The lessor - LTD "ავტორენტ AUTORENT" - (ID. N 405026216) here and thereafter the Lessor conducts the contract with the Client here and thereafter the Lessee as follows:
2.1. Lessor is responsible:
2.1.1 For verifying the functionality of the leased vehicle in the presence of the renter and transfer it to the renter.
2.3 Renter is responsible for the following:
2.3.1 Renter shall pay the tariff set by the lessor as a benefit of the lease in proportion to the amount of time the vehicle will be at renter’s disposal.
2.3.2 In case of the road accident (any damage that reduces its value e.g. scratches, cavities, injuries, splashes, breaks, loss, breakage, cuts, etc.) and/or
in case of the road accident, and / or illegally appropriation of vehicles or its components from lessor's ownership, (Theft, robbery, fraud, burglary
and other crimes against property under the criminal law, civil law or other types of cases, which unlawfully will trigger vehicle from lessor's possession)
And / or in the case of damage by any other person, renter should immediately appeal to the lessor, the police and the insurance company.
The renter is obligated to deliver to the lessor the police documents, keys, alarm remote systems and a certificate of registration of the car.
If the renter violates the obligation of notifying police and private liability insurance company, instead of the lessor, the renter is responsible for the
damage incurred in full. In case if the lessee breaches the obligation of notification to the police, the insurance company and the lessor, tenants will
be charged a one-time fine of US $ 100 equivalent in GEL, which will be deducted from the deposit.
2.3.3. The renter shall be liable for any negligent or intentional act which threatens or violates the vehicle’s condition and which is not covered by the
insurance company's. Vehicle's condition determines the condition in which it was at the moment of leasing agreement (noted in the vehicle delivery and
acceptance protocol). For any negligent or intentional act causing harm to the lease contract, the differences between vehicle’s condition at the rental moment
and its condition in the moment of termination of the lease contract, will be regarded as risk / damage act to vehicle's condition (taking into account the
natural abrasion).
2.3.4. The renter is obliged not to leave the vehicle's windows lowered or doors in opened condition, not to leave in the vehicle the key, signaling systems,
the certificate of registration numbers and vehicle's technical Passport, not to transfer vehicle to an unauthorized driver, involve Alarm system, if vehicle is
equipped with it, otherwise he will be fully responsible for the damage caused by this action and the insurance company will be authorized to demand a
compensation from the customer for inflicted damage because of violation of the terms and conditions set forth.
2.3.5 In case of a lost key, alarm remote, insurance policy and certificate of registration, the renter must notify the lessor, the lessor will be authorized to
impose a fine of 100 (one hundred) GEL plus taxes and other expanse which may occur and full reimbursement of damages on the renter.
2.3.6 Without special permission of the lessor, the renter shall not transfer the vehicle to a third person, otherwise, the renter shall be fully responsible for
any incurred damages with all their assets.
2.3.7 The renter must deliver the vehicle before expiry on Pre-agreed area with the lessor , in a clean and technically undamaged condition.
(Clean conditions implies: complete protection of exterior and interior, hygienic-sanitary standards) Also supply of fuel, which was at the time of its adoption,
must be in the tank, otherwise the renter will pay for the remaining amount of 1 (one) litr of fuel at 3 (three) USD. supply condition is
made in relevant record on the vehicle delivery and acceptance protocol. If the renter brings vehicle in not clean condition, the lessor will be entitled to charge
the renter to pay a fine of 10 (ten) USD. The lessee also reserves the right to inspect the vehicle for 24 hours Report possible damage.
However, if the interior will be as dirty as dry cleaning will be needed, customer will be charged for sedan 100USD, SUV's 150USD
2.3.8In case of damage or technical problems of the vehicle, the renter is obliged to immediately notify the lessor’s technical department and secure the move
of the vehicle to the place indicated by the technical group.
2.3.9 In case violation to the period return of the vehicle, the renter should pay a fine 40 (forty) Gel for each overdue one (1) hour. If this exceeds three (3) hours,
the renter must pay for 24 Hours rental. The time count starts, from the moment vehicle is rented.
2.3.10 Before end of lease contract, renter should pay any administrative fine which induced in time of vehicle exploitation based on the Rental Agreement.
2.3.11. In case of Border cross, the renter should pay all the expenses related to the border crossing. NOTE: Residents of Republic of Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Belarus,
Kyrgyzstan are not allowed to cross the border into Armenia with vehicles registered in Georgia.
2.3.12. To ensure that the number of passengers does not exceed the permissible number and vehicle is not overloaded, otherwise the insurance company
will be entitled to demand compensation from renter for damages incurred.
2.3.13. If desired the lease term extension, renter should notify the lessor at least 6 (six) hours prior. The lessor is authorized not to extend the lease in
a particular case. If despite the refusal of the lessor on contract extension, the tenant returns vehicle on three (3) hours late, the lessor will be entitled to
impose a fine on the tenant triple the amount of lease 24 (twenty four) hour worth. If the renter returns vehicle before the expiry of the lease, the amount of
charge will be reviewed on return location.
3. Insurance
3.1 The vehicle is insured from the certain risks.
3.2 The renter chooses the volume of the insurance package. Standard insurance package consists of 600 (four hundred) US Dollars amount of money
for a vehicle classified as a sedan or a hatchback and 800 (five hundred) US Dollars amount of money for a vehicle classified as a SUV or a minivan lef left as
the deposit by the renter. In terms of standard Insurance package, renter shall be liable for the amount of the deposit was left. Choosing full insurance package
renter shall not be liable for damages(in case of accident), if the renter has not violated the terms of this Agreement or the breach of the insurance contracts
standard. The renter will be responsible for the negative results despite of full insurance in the case of violation this Agreement or the terms of the insurance
contracts standard.
3.3 Not compensated by the insurance company - vehicle's glass and tire damage; (the exception is the front windshield) Any kind of damage caused by the poor
quality road, if the damage is not caused to other parts of the vehicle as well; Unclear circumstances of vehicle's damage or theft, if the renter does not immediately
get in touch with the insurance company; The vehicle movement from the accident place without permission of insurance company, unless the vehicle was moved
by law enforcements. This agreement 2.3.2.; 2.3.4.; 2.3.6.; 2.3.12 Articles obligations violations negative outcome occurring.
3.4 The company provides deposit free service: DepositFree is an extra option, that allows customers to rent a car without paying a security deposit.
You can drive as usual and leave a security deposit, or you can pay a little extra and rent a car without security deposit.
4 Force - Major
4.1. The suspension of the contract terms in case of one of the force-major circumstances shall not be considered as a violation or failure of the terms of the contract.
4.2. For the purposes of this article, "force major" shall mean circumstances which are an insurmountable and independent from their control, which is not
related to the seller and / or buyer errors and negligence, and which carry unforeseen character.
4.3. In case of some force major circumstances, the party, who is unable to fulfill its obligations, shall immediately notify the other party (in writing, or by phone or
other means of communication possible) of the circumstances and reasons thereof.
4.4. If the renter violates 4.3. Subparagraph’s obligation of the notice, he will be obliged to pay the lease price in proportion to the amount of time, the vehicle was
in temporary use (meaning a situation where the renter had means and did not report to the lessor). If the renter has failed to fulfill the duty in case of a force
major circumstances, under force major Article he is freed from financial obligation
4.5 The lease agreement includes a standard insurance package and implies the lessee's liability within the deposit amount. The deposit amount is blocked on the
lessee's card and the mentioned amount remains blocked for 30 (thirty) calendar days.
When choosing a full package of insurance, the lessee will deduct the cost of the full package of additional daily insurance depending on the vehicle category.
.By choosing the full package of insurance, the lessee is exempt from any damages that will be inflicted on the vehicle within the term of the lease agreement.
In case of a traffic accident (accident) (any damage to the JSC that reduces the value of the JSC, such as scratches, dents, damage, bending, breaking, loss, drilling,
cutting, etc.) the driver is obliged to stop the car at the scene of the accident. Immediately inform the patrol police and the company representative. It is forbidden
to move the car for any reason before the arrival of the authorized person of the patrol police. In case of violating the above-mentioned terms, by not completing them
immediately, tenant will be fined a lump sum of $ 100.
In case of violation of the above mentioned rules, full obligation to compensate for the damage caused by the damage to the vehicle will be charged to the lessee, when
choosing any insurance package.
None of the insurance packages covers the following costs: damage caused by gross negligence, car tires, damage to the interior, incorrect refueling, license plate,
technical passport, key or any other additional services (GPS, WIFI, child car seat, etc.). ) to lose.
Passenger Insurance: Maximum $ 2,000 per passenger (fully limited to $ 10,000)
Third Party Insurance - Limited $ 10,000..
4.6 The authorized people: each and every employee of the Lessee who are over 21 and who hold a driving license for at least 01 year.
4.6.1 Georgia is guided with European Standards regarding driving license, residents of other countries should have international driving licenses along the original
ones, otherwise we will not be able to provide the vehicle, furthermore if customer agrees to take the responsibility they should agree that in case of the fine, issued
by the police for the blame of the driving license, will be responsibility of the customer.
4.7 Damages caused by gross and/or intentional negligent acts are not covered by the insurance and are not covered. Gross and/or intentional negligence refers to
the following circumstances (and not only the circumstances listed below), in the event of which the insurer is released from the obligation to indemnify the damage:
a) if the insured motor vehicle was driven by a person who was under the influence of alcohol, narcotics or toxic substances and a motor vehicle accident occurred
while he was in such a state;
b) motor vehicle accident caused by speeding;
c) carrying out the so-called overtaking action in the road area where the mentioned action is prohibited, and this action caused a traffic accident;
d) a traffic accident that occurred as a result of intentionally breaking the relevant prohibitory signs during road traffic, including intentionally passing a red light;
e) Intentional action of the lessee and/or the authorized driver, which is aimed at the occurrence of an insured event: including losses caused by suicide, attempted
suicide and harming or attempting to harm one's own health;
f) motor vehicle accident caused by speeding;
g) carrying out the so-called overtaking action in the road area where the said action is prohibited, and this action caused a traffic accident;
h) Damage caused to the motor vehicle in a traffic accident caused by intentional or grossly negligent action is also not compensated.
5.1.1. The renter is fully responsible for the negligent or intentional act to a third person, for any damage inflicted.
5.2If renter fails to return the vehicle, the lessor is entitled to consider it as unlawful possession and / or use, and / or disposed of and call the police.
5.3 By section 6.1 of this agreement, in case of termination of the contract, arising from any breach, also by having any kind of accident, or damaging vehicle
and also if spare parts are in non-compliant with the act of delivery and acceptance, a non-refundable amount covering this costs is deducted.
5.4 The renter shall pay the full amount of damage to lessor, If a negative result was caused by the renter or by a third party defined by this agreement’s
paragraph 2.3.5.,while driving vehicle under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other substances.
5.5 The lessee is responsible regarding all CCTV, parking fines issued during the rental period. Lessor must inform lessee about penalties via email. Payable amount
is calculated fine amount, bank transfer comission, VAT (18%) and service fee (10% of total amount of fines).
6.3 The contract is made in Georgian and English, two (2) legally equal copies. In case of any disputed clause, the Georgian version shall prevail.
6.4 The renter confirms that, s/he is familiar with the contents of the contract as whole, vehicle’s insurance contract, insurance policy and the special
terms and conditions of the lessor and agrees to fulfill them.
6.5 Relationships, which are not regulated by this Agreement, shall be governed by the current Georgian legislation.